I just love Chanel handbags. Actually, I just love handbags in general. If I buy another one, I might have to think about buying another wardrobe. Don't have enough place to store them anymore. Love them..especially the Chanel's one.
Do you like my pink ruffled handbag? This is a special cake for a special person. None other than Ana, who just love my chocolate cake. This cake could not be more chocolaty than it already is. For you, Ana. Happy birthday and many happy returns. Hope you a safe pregnancy and safe delivery.
I don't really know why, but I was so relaxed and happy when I did this cake. I had fun and in between the time, I even went to a friend's house with my family for a party. Usually when I have a cake to finish, I'll be coop up with it but not this time. Maybe its the Chanel handbag. So, honey..you already know what present to buy me on my next birthday...ha ha..
She loves handbags too and she loves head scarves...she has tons of them. I hope you like your cake Ana, I did it with lots of love. I love the ruffles...bye, I'll see you again soon.
1 comment:
woww.....sooo adorable..
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